
Free Range offers previsualization as a tool to find and design the visual language of a project. We transpose text and thumbnail sketches into dynamic moving layouts to collaboratively and efficiently plan how a live action commercial, fully animated spot, or an episodic sequence will come together.

We like solving puzzles.

What Can WE Help SOlve?



Where should we put the camera? How should it move? What shots in the edit are the most effective and compelling? Can we find a dynamic composition to elevate a moment?

Previs is a powerful tool for solving these creative challenges. We can explore different ideas and iterate on shots quickly to design the entire visual structure of a spot before production begins.

Let's find the best way to tell a story.



How are we ever going to film this? With every bold creative choice comes the technical hurdle of achieving the desired shot.

Previs can be invaluable for planning each element needed to make a setup possible. We provide overhead layouts, witness cameras, lens information, and real world measurements so every angle has a clear recipe on how the final image will come together.

Let's make a plan.

Previs ReeL

If interested in learning more, please reach out to request a more comprehensive reel of our previs work.